Multi-Planar Reformat (MPR) Window

The MPR window enables visualization of a image volume onto 3 orthogonal planes. It also includes various tools for visualization and interaction with analyzed data such as BOLD, DTI and Co-registration. It can be launched from the main menu via:

Process->Multi Planar Reconstruction...

This window will also be launched automatically at the end of running the BOLD/DTI Loading Wizard . It can also be opened from the BOLD module and DTI module . The MPR window floats independently of the nordicICE workspace.

The MPR window includes 4 main components. These are, from left to right, the "Data Panel", the "MPR views", "3D window" and the "Interaction Panel". Depending on the workflow, only some of these components may be active/visible.


Data Panel

The data panel provides an overview of all datasets available in the current session where each dataset is represented as a thumbnail image. It is divided into 2 sections called 'Source datasets:' and 'Derived datasets:'. The former section contains all datasets that has been loaded into the application, while the latter contains all datasets that has been generated by nordicICE in the current session (e.g. various parametric maps and processed datasets).

Each thumbnail has various actions related to it which can be accessed by right-clicking on a given thumbnail:

View in MPR:

View the dataset in the MPR. This will change the current visualized dataset in the MPR windows to this one. This can also be done by drag-and-drop of the thumbnail onto any of the three MPR image planes.

View in 3D window:

View the dataset in the 3D window (if enabled). This will change the current visualized dataset in the 3D window to this one. This can also be done by drag-and-drop of the thumbnail onto the 3D window (for DTI 3D window only).

View in main:

View the current dataset in the main nordicICE workspace. This will create a 'floating' image window in the standard workspace of nordicICE. This can be done to utilize all the tools available in the workspace on the dataset such as Region of Interest measurements etc.

Save to Database...

Saves the current dataset to the DICOM database.


Closes / deletes the current dataset from the session. Note that you can not close a dataset that is currently being visualized. 

MPR Views

The MPR views projects the current image volume on three orthogonal planes. The various functions and features available are described in the following sections:

3D window

The 3D window is located in the lower right corner of the MPR viewing window, and is used for 3D visualizations of the input image volume and associated data. The 3D window is only active when either the DTI or MIP mode is enabled (see section on Interaction Panel below), whereas it is used to visualize white matter fiber tracts reconstructed from DTI data or Maximum Intensity Projections (MIP) respectively.

Interaction Panel

The Interaction Panel includes various controls and tools for interacting with analyzed data such as from BOLD and DTI. It may also include controls for various pre-processing tasks such as for performing co-registration. The controls available in this panel depends on the current workflow; e.g. when the MPR window is launched from the BOLD or DTI module the DTI and/or BOLD panels are shown by default. They can also be toggled on/off from the toolbar Mode menu:

For BOLD and Diffusion analysis, all post processing tools are available through this panel, separated by tabs that correspond to the given modes. Other tabs may include interaction with the co-registration module. The progress bar at the top shows the status of the current task in the processing pipeline. All processing tasks run in threads, allowing the user to navigate through the existing data sets while waiting on a task to finish.


The various interaction modes are described in the following sections: