Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP)

The MIP function generates MIP maps from MR or CT image volumes. A MIP will display the highest voxel intensity along a given projection line. MIP's are generated from the MPR view.

To start MIP:

  • MPR window menu: Mode -> MIP (Ctrl + M)

The "MIP viewer" panel appears in the lower right quadrant of the MPR window when MIP is started.

MIP viewer

The MIP viewer displays the result from the maximum intensity projection of the image volume. Using the mouse pointer in the MIP viewer the user may update the MIP result. I.e. the result may be translated, rotated and uniformly scaled.

The bar on the lower edge of the MIP viewer contains controls for resetting the MIP result transformation, selection of interpolation (nearest neighbor or linear). It also contains a button that allows the MIP viewer to be undocked from the MPR window. Once undocked the MIP viewer window may be enlarged. When undocked the Undock button is changed to Dock to allow the MIP viewer to redock into the MPR window.