Edit options

The menu of the MPR window contains and Edit entry. Functionality for editing the projection images are found in this menu entry. Also this functionality is found on the MPR window popup menu. This section describes most of the edit options available in the nordicICE MPR implementation.


Copy to the clipboard:

  • On the main menu of the MPR window: Edit -> Copy
  • On the popup menu of the MPR window: Copy

When this entry is pressed the currently active projection image is copied to the Windows clipboard. Thereafter it may be pasted into any other Windows application that allows cut and paste from the clipboard, such as any Microsoft Office application.

Copy to main

Copy to main functionality has two features that both create a new image window in the nordicICE workspace and fill it with content obtained in MPR.

Copy all to main

Copy all slices to the nordicICE workspace:

  • On the main menu of the MPR window: Edit -> Copy to main -> Copy all to main
  • On the popup menu of the MPR window: Copy to main -> Copy all to main

Copy all to main fills a multi-slice image volume in the new image window.

Copy current to main

Copy the current slice to the nordicICE workspace:

  • On the main menu of the MPR window: Edit -> Copy to main -> Copy current to main
  • On the popup menu of the MPR window: Copy to main -> Copy current to main

Copy current to main defines an image volume consisting of only the current projection image.

Copy to main uses the currently active projection image for the creation of the new image volume. This means that e.g. sagittal or coronal image volumes may be obtained from an original image volume whose orientation is axial. Also any view transformation applied in MPR is propagated to the images in the new image window. This proves handy in the event that original images are shifted towards the edges of the image planes. The data set may be shifted in the oposite direction in MPR and copied to the nordicICE workspace for storage or further processing.

If no scaling is performed in MPR the new image volume has the same volume dimensions as the original image volume for which MPR was launched. Also the pixel dimensions are identical, but the slice thickness equals the pixel dimension. Thus the new image volume has isotropic voxels. In the event that scaling has been performed the voxel dimensions are updated accordingly. I.e. if a scale of 200% is applied in any of the three axis directions, the pixel dimension in the that direction is half the original size.


Edit intensity/contrast

Editing the intensity/contrast in MPR:

  • On the main menu of the MPR window: Edit -> Intensity/Contrast -> Edit Win/Level...
  • On the popup menu of the MPR window: Intensity/Contrast -> Edit Win/Level...

Window width/level (also referred to as pixel rescaling) works in the same manner as in the image window. The image rescale dialog (the same as for the image window) may be used here as well to input selected values for level and width or alternatively the window maximum and minimum values. 

The window settings may also be altered by pressing the middle mouse button and moving the mouse up and down to change the level or right and left to change the width. 

Reset intensity/contrast

Reset the intensity/contrast in MPR:

  • On the main menu of the MPR window: Edit -> Intensity/Contrast -> Reset Win/Level...
  • On the popup menu of the MPR window: Intensity/Contrast -> Reset Win/Level...

A click on Reset Win/Level returns to the original window values.

Window/level presets

Finally chosen window level/width presets may be used for customized image intensity. 

Selection of window/level presets in MPR:

  • On the main menu of the MPR window: Edit -> Intensity/Contrast -> Win/Level preset X
  • On the popup menu of the MPR window: Intensity/Contrast -> Win/Level preset X

Here X refers to one of the numbers in the range 1 through 4.

In the Settings' Win L/W Presets tab presets may be customized the four combinations of window level and width.


MPR implements various view transformations including translation, rotation and scaling. These transformations are described in the more general context of Navigation in MPR.


  • Many of the Edit actions are accessible using keyboard shortcuts.

Related topics:

Navigation in MPR