Navigation in MPR

Navigation in MPR includes the selection of a position in one of the projection images. This selection determines the coordinates of the projection planes in the two other projection panels and leades to their update. But navigation also allows for a wider set of view transforms.

One initial note relates to MPR's notion of a pixel. When talking about pixels in the context of MPR we refer to the projection resolution, not the screen resolution. I.e. if MPR is launched on an image volume whose images measure 256x256 pixels any measures in MPR related to pixels refer to this pixel resolution. Irrespective of the size of the MPR window, i.e. whether it be maximized or displayed in only a small section of the computer screen, the projection images have a projection resolution of 256x256. In particular when the position of the hovering mouse pointer is shown in pixel coordinates, as mentioned in the section on MPR basics , the range of coordinate values of a 256x256 image will always be in the range 0 through 255.

Selection of new projection images

Clicking initially on any one of the projection images immediately places the crosshair such that they intersect at the position of the mouser pointer. The adjacent projection images  are updated in accordance with the new location of the crosshair. By pressing the left mouse button and dragging  the crosshair is repositioned and the other two projection images and crosshairs are continusly updated. 

Any of the two lines in a crosshair may be moved separately. E.g. if the left mouse button is pressed when moving the mouse pointer over the green line in the axial image only the sagittal projection image is updated. The shape of the mouse cursor changes from the usual cross to a shape with lines at either end when it is within the distance of updating a single line. The Settings' Multi-Planar Reformat tab  allows the user to set the distance from any of the crosshair lines within which only the nearby line is updated. By default a crosshair line is selected if the mouse pointer is in the range of five pixels away when the left mouse button is clicked.

Also, the crosshair lines in the active projection panel may be updated separately using the keyboard arrow keys. By pressing Shift and the right or left key the vertical crosshair line is moved to the right or left, respectively. Pressing the Shift and the up or down key moves the horizontal line accordingly. The amount of position increment/decrement corresponding to one click on an arrow key may be set in Settings' Multi-Planar Reformat tab . By default the increment/decrement is one pixel.


The projection views may be modified by applying various transformations. This allows e.g. an image volume to be visualized from any angle the user may want.

Three types of transformations are implemented in MPR: translation, rotation and scaling. When combining these transformations the user should be aware that the order of which they are applied is opposite to the order listed above. Thus first any scaling transformation is performed followed by rotation and finally translation. Rotation and scaling is performed with respect to a "vertex", a single point in space, and the same vertex is used for rotation and scaling. Thus any repositioning of the vertex e.g. when in rotation mode may have implications for scaling applied prior to the rotation.

Transformations in MPR implies transformations to the projection planes. If a translation or rotation is applied, it is the projection plane that is translated or rotated. The patient is not translated or rotated. And obviously if scaling is applied, it is not the patient that is contracted or expanded. Only the pixel dimension of the projection images are updated.

However, transformation in one projection panel implies transformation in at least one of the other transformation panels. Since e.g. the vertical axis in the sagittal projection is the same as the vertical axis in the coronal projection, any translation or scaling along this axis in the sagittal projection is accompanied by an automatic translation or scaling in the coronal direction. And if rotation around this axis is done, which may be done in the axial projection panel, both the coronal and the sagittal projection images are updated accordingly.

The current transformation, if any, is displayed in the status bar. Also, the above mentioned positioning of the crosshairs using the mouse pointer is disabled when in any transformation mode.


Enable translation in MPR:

  • On the main menu of the MPR window: Edit -> Transform -> Translation
  • On the popup menu of the MPR window: Transform -> Translation

Choosing translation mode allows the user to drag the projection plane to new positions. The object, such as the head in the the figure, shown in the projection images is shifted in directions along the projection plane in which translation is performed. E.g. if translation is done by dragging the object as displayed in the saggital projection, the object is shifted along the axes defining the sagittal projection plane. 

In translation mode the label in the lower left corner of each projection panel displays the amount of translation along the plane axes. The unit of translation is mm. Each projection panel also has a button that allows reset of the translation along axes in that panel.


Enable rotation in MPR:

  • On the main menu of the MPR window: Edit -> Transform -> Rotation
  • On the popup menu of the MPR window: Transform -> Rotation

Rotation mode allows the user to rotate the projection plane around the axis that is orthogonal to the plane. Thus in the sagittal projection panel any rotation occurs around the left-right axis.

In rotation mode all projection panels contain a "rotation pie" whose legs may be rotated around the center, the "vertex". By pressing the left mouse button and dragging the amount of rotation is updated. By pressing the middle mouse button and dragging the vertex is repositioned. Note that if a non-zero rotation is chosen the image is updated in a following shift of the vertex.

Even more importantly the user should be aware of the order of rotation performed. In general, two permutations (distinct orders) of a set of three single rotations with the same angular amount in each rotation gives very different results. Thus the order of rotations in MPR is allways defined as a rotation around the inferior-posterior axis, then rotation around the right-left axis and finally rotation around the anterior-superior axis . Or equivalently first the rotation defined in the axial projection panel followed by the one in the sagittal panel and finally the one in the coronal panel.

When in rotation mode the label in the lower left corner of each projection panel displays the amount of rotation around the axis orthogonal to the projection plane. The unit of rotation is degrees. Each projection panel contains two buttons, one for resetting the rotation around the plane's orthogonal axis and one for resetting the vertex components along the plane's axes.


Enable scale in MPR:

  • On the main menu of the MPR window: Edit -> Transform -> Scale
  • On the popup menu of the MPR window: Transform -> Scale

Scaling is implemented to update the pixel dimension in directions along the axes of each projection panel. Pressing the left mouse button and dragging in any of the projection panels scales the pixel dimension along the axes of the panel. Pressing the middle mouse button and dragging the small sphere describing the vertex is repositioned. The projection image is updated when the vertex is moved if a non-unit scaling has been applied prior to updating the vertex position.

The label in the lower left corner of each projection panel displays the current amount of scaling along the plane's axes. The amount of scaling is displayed in percentage, i.e. the original pixel dimension relative to the new pixel dimension.


It is possible to save the transformed volume to file. The saved image volume is created from the pixel data of the original image volume and transformed according to the user's rotations and/or translations.

Save transformed image volume:

  • On the main menu of the MPR window: File -> Save As...

The transformations themselves may be exported to and imported from files.

Export of transformations in MPR:

  • On the main menu of the MPR window: File -> Export transformations...

By exporting the current transformation it is written to an ASCII text file. nordicICE by default allocates file extension .trf for transformation files.

Following the export of transformations to a file a different image volume may be opened, MPR started and the saved transformation may be imported and applied.

Import of transformations in MPR:

  • On the main menu of the MPR window: File -> Import transformations...


  • Many of the transformation actions are accessible using keyboard shortcuts.