Multi-Planar Reformat tab


Note: The General options dialog can be displayed by selecting General options on the Options menu.


Line snap distance [pixels]: 

The mouse pointers distance from a crosshair line within which the dragging alters the position of that single line and not the entire cross hair.

Line positional increment/decrement using arrow keys [pixels]: 

The cross-hair line update step used when scrolling using the arrow keys.


Default interpolation

The default mode of interpolation in MPR: Nearest Neighbor, Tri-linear or Tri-cubic (Catmull-Rom). Note: the interpolation method set her also applies to how interpolation is performed when adding overlays to image data in the main nordicICE workspace in cases where interpolation is necessary (e.g. overlay has lower resolution than underlay or needs to be resliced due to difference in geometry)

Default coordinate system

The default coordinate system with respect to which projections are made: Magnet or Image Volume.

Default coordinate labels

The default coordinate labels shown in the lower right corner of the projection panels: Magnet coordinates, Pixel coordinates or None.

Simplify intermediate interpolations

Allow simplified (nearest neighbor) interpolation when previewing transformations with mouse pointer interaction in the projection panels.

Inverse slice order

Inverse the order of image slices in projections.

Show orientation labels

Show orientation labels enabled in the projection panels.

Show overlay palette column

Show a palette column in the axial projection panel when overlays are visualized in MPR.

Show cross hairs

Show MPR crosshairs in the projection panels.

Enabled warnings 

Transformations not applied to mother image series

Allow a popup warning when closing MPR that informs about transformations applied in MPR that are not propagated to the original dataset.

Scale reset when changing coordinate system

Allow a popup warning when the user changes coordinate system that informs about scaling transformations being reset.

Manual coregistration

Show axis labels

Show the numeric axis labels in the coregistration viewer.


Auto inter-modal coregistration

Show cost function result:

Display the resulting normalized mutual information metric (cost function) on completion of the coregistration

Related topics:

Image Save tab
Image Formats tab
Various tab
Drag & Drop tab
Image Linking tab
Win L/W Presets tab
Multi-Planar Reconstruction (MPR)