Drag & Drop tab

Note: This section has not been updated to reflect changes in nordicICE version 4.0. Section will be updated soon. Some parts of the section might still be relevant.

The Drag & Drop tab contains the specifications on what action is taken when one image set is dragged onto another using the mouse..

Note: The General options dialog can be displayed by selecting General options on the Options menu. 
Add dragged series as overlay
The dragged image series is added as an overlay to the source dataset.
Perform arithemic operation
A user-defined arithmetic function is applied to the draggged- and source images as defined in  Image arithmetics functions.

Related topics:

Image Save tab
Image Formats tab
Various tab
Drag & Drop tab
Image Linking tab
Win L/W Presets tab
Multi-Planar Reformat tab
Drag & Drop
Image Arithmetics functions

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