Various tab

The General options dialog can be displayed by selecting General options on the Options menu.


Default image path:

The path for the DICOM reader is specified here

DICOM Manager

This option applies to the usage of the DICOM Reader interface in nordicICE which can be used to scan and read DICOM images from the local hard disk. The DICOM Reader is accessed from the Open DICOM Reader on the File menu.

Max image time deviation for multi-select: 

This option defines the maximum deviation in time between successive image series, relative to the difference between the selected image and its nearest neighbours (in time). This sets the time tolerance in ms for selection of image series on the basis of relationship in acquisition time. Right-clicking any of the files in the DICOM reader file-list will automatically select all images within a constant offset in acquisition time relative to the selected (right-clicked) image. Since the acquisition time may, on many scanners, vary slightly between successive volumes in an fMRI time series, a user defined tolerance can be set here.

Image source for Cine Playback, AVI generation and Line Profile analysis

These options determines if the bitmap as displayed on the active window should be captured directly or whether the operations should be applied to the internal representation of the image.

Processed data (as displayed): 

The generated AVI file has the color format as set in the Display properties in Windows. I.e. if the PC is set up with 32 bits true color, the resulting AVI-file will also be 32 bits/pixel. The images in the AVI file will reflect exactly the images rendered in the active window (zoom/enlarge/smoothing).

Raw data:

The saved AVI file will contain images which are always 8 bits per pixel (for monochrome images, 24 bits per pixel for RGB images) and reflects the raw input images.

Patient data

Allow image data from multiple patients:

Check this if you want to be able to load data from multiple patients in the same session

Image window caption:

Determines what information to show in the caption field of the image window

Series description: shows the text in the dicom series description field (if present)

Image file name: shows the file name of the loaded image series

4D data

When checked dynamic multi-slice (4D) data are automatically recognized and sorted when the series is loaded in nordicICE by drag & drop. If tot checked, no attempt is made to determine the 4D structure of the data

Saved settings

Clear all user settings:

Restore ALL user-defined parameters in nordicICE and modules to their default values. Note that many of the user defined parameters in nordicICE are automatically saved upon program exit and re-loaded upon program start.

Related topics:

Image Save tab
Image Formats tab
Drag & Drop tab
Image Linking tab
Win L/W Presets tab
Multi-Planar Reformat tab
DICOM Reader
Save all images