DICOM Reader

DICOM reader iconMain Menu File->Open DICOM Reader (Ctrl+D)

nordicICE has a DICOM reader which sorts DICOM image files in a specified directory, including sub-directories on the basis of information stored in the DICOM header. The DICOM Reader Interface has been specifically developed to ease the management of DICOM image files. The reader can interpret most current DICOM 3.0 image formats. The DICOM reader is not connected to a database, but scans the selected directory (including sub-directories) for DICOM files. The DICOM standard is open to vendor specific implementations using private and non-disclosed tags and consequently varies. On some systems, for instance, the image number tag is not used, and image sorting may have to be according to the X- , Y- or Z- position of the individual slices. The nordicICE implementation is designed to take into account these differences and manage DICOM images in the same manner regardless of vendor.

The nordicICE Dicom Reader Interface


Navigation in the DICOM Reader

Selection of the desired drive and directory is done either by typing the directory name in directly or by clicking the Change Dir... button to open the Select Directory dialog. Double click on a specific directory in a directory tree to select it.

On selection of a directory the DICOM reader automatically scans the directory and all subdirectories for DICOM image files. Clicking on the Update button scans, or rescans, the current directory, including any sub-directories. The detected DICOM image files are then displayed in the file window. Note that the DICOM reader searches the entire drive or directory for all DICOM images, so should a directory with a large amount of imaging data be selected, this can be a time consuming process. It is best to select, where possible, the subdirectory containing only those image datasets to be viewed. A given scan of a selected directory may be aborted by pressing the Esc key.

Image sorting in the DICOM Reader

The image files located and read by the DICOM reader are presented as a list in the reader window. They are initially listed by default according to time point. The individual columns in this window show relevant attributes about the individual files, extracted from the image header. Images may be sorted according to any of these attributes by clicking on the column header. The following attributes are available: File Name, Scan No., Image No., Image time, X, Y and Z position of the image (i.e. the precise 3 dimensional co-ordinates for a given slice) and Series No. If one of these attributes is not available from the DICOM header, the column is either left blank or contains the letters 'NA'. Clicking on any of the files in the list displays basic information about the image in the window at the bottom of the reader.

The DICOM search process can be narrowed down by searching according to a date filter. Images acquired before, after or on a specified date may be identified by appropriate selecting the options in the drop down menus. Clicking on Update carries the search and only those image files selected by date appear in the reader window. Note that the date selective search is performed according to the time stamp of the DICOM files and not the actual scan date of the acquisition.

Image selection and loading in the DICOM Reader

The Load All option loads all images in the reader window into nordicICE in the order they are listed, following whichever sort options may have been carried out. Image files may also be selected manually in the same manner as in Windows Explorer. Once image files have been selected they may be loaded into nordicICE using the Load Selected option. Alternatively, a subset of images to be discarded may be selected, and using the Load NOT selected option all images except those selected will be loaded.

Drop down menus are provided for image selection according to the following attributes: Patient Name, Scan #., Series #., Image #., Image time, X-, Y- or Z-position of the image, Echo No. and Image Type. The default selection is All. All the available values for a given attribute may be viewed in the respective drop down menu, and clicking on the chosen value will select only those images. Subsequently only this subset of images will then be presented in the reader window. Where there is only one value such as if the read images are all from a single patient or a single scan, the value is presented in grey and the drop down selection menu is unavailable. Selection according to multiple criteria may be made by selecting values for as many attributes as desired. If a combination of attributes is selected which is not present in any images, the file list will be empty. If this occurs, reset one (or all) of the selection attributes to All.

Right-clicking any of the files in the file-list will automatically select all images within a constant offset in acquisition time relative to the selected (right-clicked) image. This is very useful for automatically e.g. selecting image series belonging to the same time-series (paradigm) in an fMRI acquisition. Since the acquisition time may, on many scanners, vary slightly between successive volumes in an fMRI time series, a user defined tolerance can be set in:

  • Main Menu: Options->General->Various

This option defines the maximum deviation in time between successive image series, relative to the difference between the selected image and its nearest neighbours (in time).

Related topics:

DICOM database
Load an Image from your Hard Disk or Network
 NIFTI File Manager