The nifti file manager


SPM file readerMain Menu File-> Nifti reader (Ctrl+N)

The Nifti file manager provides the ability to locate SPM format files and load them into nordicICE for analysis. The file manager provides the functionality of filtering specific Nifti file types for viewing and analysis.

The Nifti File Manager

Nifti file selection and loading

Double click in the right window to scroll through a given directory tree and select a specific directory. If Nifti format image files are present they will be shown in the left window. The number of filtered files is given above the window and defines the number of Nifti files located in the selected subdirectory. Only Nifti .nii files are shown and all files with this extension are assumed to be Nifti compatible image files (i.e. the files are not opened and checked to be valid Nifti files at this stage).

Double clicking on any file loads it into nordicICE. Multiple files may be selected in a manner analogous to Windows Explorer. Clicking the Load Selected button loads only these selected files. Clicking Load All selects all the files viewed in the left window. When multiple files are selected, they will be loaded as one 4D series into nordicICE if their format is compatible for this operation.

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