Image Save tab

The General options dialog can be displayed by selecting General options on the Options menu. The Image Save tab can also be accessed from the Options button on the Save dialog.

The global image save options are set via the Image Save dialog tab.


Zero pad file name numbering: 

When saving a series of files nordicICE automatically pads the default filename sequentially with #00n. This facilitates sorting of the series of image files in Windows.

Nifti save options:

Map color overlay to greyscale

Displays overlay voxels in the active overlay as bright regions in the greyscale image when saving in Dicom or Nifti format. Note that all overlay pixels above the cutoff threshold will be mapped to the same signal intensity in the greyscale image.

Create multiple files for 4D data series: 

A 4D dataset can either be saved as a single file, or one file for each individual volume. Select this option if you prefer the latter.

Saved Pixel format:

Specifies the pixel format of the saved image: this can either be <byte> (8BPP), <short int> (16 BPP), <float> (32 BPP) or <double float> (64 BPP)

Info to save in the Nifti header description field: This option enables specified info to be saved in a Nifti header field


Display ROI stat on saved bitmaps: 

Displays mean +/- SD for all ROI s on the current image when saved as bitmap/jpeg image. To display this info, the ROI must first be saved to the ROI buffer.

Display ROI number on saved bitmaps:

Display ROI number next to the ROI in the saved image. To display this info, the ROI must first be saved in the ROI buffer.

Display colorbar (palette) for underlay on color images:

When saving images as bitmap color (RGB) images, this option includes the color bar for the current palette in the save bitmap.


Related topics:

Image Formats tab
Various tab
Drag & Drop tab
Image Linking tab
Win L/W Presets tab
Multi-Planar Reformat tab
Saving images in Nifti format
Displaying ROI information on saved images


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