Saving images in Nifti format

All image types compatible with nordicICE can be saved as Nifti images. The Nifti file format contains a very limited number of fields for patient specific information. When converting DICOM images to Nifti format, there are three DICOM fields which are saved in the Nifti header. These are:

·        Scan date

·        Series time

·        Patient name

Note that Patient Name is stored in the Nifti Series Descriptor field, since this is the only SPM field large enough to hold a typical patients name. Further, the first 10 characters of the DICOM Patient ID field is stored in the SPM patient ID field.


Since certain patient specific information is saved with the image when converting from DICOM to SPM, the resulting SPM file may contain patient identifiable information. This information can, however, be removed either by anonymizing the DICOM images prior to converting to SPM (see “ Editing the Image Header ”) or by anonymizing the SPM file after reloading it into nordicICE (see “ Editing the Image Header ”).


By default a mat-file is created for each mosaic converted SPM-file which contains the geometry information required to use the images as overlays/underlays.; see Working with image overlays for details. The creation of mat-files can be switched off under general settings; see “ Image Save Options ” for more details.

Related topics:

Saving images in DICOM format
Saving multi-dimensional data