Image Linking tab

The General options dialog can be displayed by selecting General options on the Options menu.

nordicICE can link multiple image windows so that image scrolling, zooming, etc are synchronized for all linked windows. An active image window is added to the link list by pressing the Shift key while clicking on the image window. Once an image window is linked, a red rectangle will appear around the boundary of the window.

Image scrolling

Image scrolling will be synchronized to the scrolling taking place in the active window. If some of the linked windows contain too few images, the scrolling will stop at the last image in the series.

Image zoom/pan

Image zoom/pan settings will be interactively updated in all linked images according to the current setting in the active window.

Image smoothing:

Image smoothing will be updated in all linked images according to the current setting in the active window. 

Image window width/level:

Image width/level settings will be interactively updated in all linked images according to the current setting in the active window. 

Image palette/color:

 The image color palette will be synchronized across all linked image series

Image resize:

 Image size will be synchronized across all linked image series



Related topics:

Image Save
Image Formats
Drag & Drop
Win L/W Presets
Multi-Planar Reformat
Linking multiple windows