Win L/W Presets tab

The General options dialog can be displayed by selecting General options on the Options menu. 

Up to four window level/width settings can be saved and accessed by shortcut keys (Ctrl+F1 to Ctrl+F4). Note that the window/level can always be reset to the image default using the Ctrl+F5 function key. See Image contrast/intensity for details on how to activate a given W/L preset.


Window Level / Width presets 

Select the preset you want to modify (Ctrl+F1 - Ctrl+F4) from the drop-down list.


Set the window level (intensity) for the selected preset.


Set the window width (contrast) for the selected preset.


User defined description for the defined preset.


Overlay low cutoff threshold (F10):

Sets the default lower intensity value in overlays that are set to zero. This means that overlay image intensities lower than the threshold will not be transparent and not visible

Related topics:

Image Save tab
Image Formats tab
Various tab
Drag & Drop tab
Image Linking tab
Multi-Planar Reformat tab
Image contrast/intensity