Image contrast/intensity

The Intensity and contrast of a image series can be changed through the Change image intensity / contrast dialog or by using the mouse wheel.

  • Intensity / contrast iconMain Menu Modify->Intensity/Contrast (Ctrl+W)
  • Popup menu: Intensity/Contrast
  • Press the mouse wheel and move the mouse right to left to interactively alter contrast or up and down to alter intensity

The image intensity / contrast dialog

The Scope option determines if the intensity/contrast should be set for the current image only or for all the images loaded in the active image window. Image contrast and intensity is often referred to as window width (contrast) and window level (intensity) in the MR world. For DICOM images, the window level and width are obtained from the header, if available. If not, and for other image types, the level/width are set according to the pixel range present in the image. The range of pixel values may be read from the section called Image information .

Note that any new values entered for window level / width are not applied to the image until the return button is pressed.

For CT images, the window level/width can be set to preset CT values using the CT Presets option.

There are additionally four available window/level presents which can be selected using the User defined presents option. The window/level values for these presets are set in general options as described in Global settings.

Related topics:

The active image window
Active palette
Invert palette