Linking multiple windows

Note: This section has not been updated to reflect changes in nordicICE version 4.0. Section will be updated soon. Some parts of the section might still be relevant.

Multiple image windows can be linked in nordicICE, providing simultaneous scrolling, zooming/panning, window width/leveling and smoothing on multiple loaded datasets. The linking is enabled by pressing the shift key while clicking on the windows to be linked. The image linking is released by clicking once outside the selected windows.

Linked windows can be identified by the red border around the images.
The number of images in each series does not have to be the same.
Any number of windows can be linked at the same time, but you cannot have two independent groups of linked windows.

The image functions to be linked can be configured via the "Image Linking" menu under "Options->General":

Image linking options

Related topics:

The active image window
The settings dialog, Image linking tab