Drag & Drop Tab

Settings for drag & drop arithmetic operations between two datasets. When this menu is open and active, the specified arithmetic operation will be applied upon dragging one dataset onto another; overriding the standard drag & drop operation of adding the dragged series as overlay.

NOTE: drag & drop arithmetic operations are only possible when the source and destination series have the same geometry (matrix size and number of slices / dynamic scans).

 Drag and Drop tab: Set arithmetic operation to be applied to a source dataset (S1) based on a target dataset (S2). The target dataset is the dataset dragged onto the source dataset.

  • Subtract (S3=S2-S1): Subtract each image in the source image set from the corresponding images in the destination dataset.
  • Multiply (S3=S1*S2)
  • Ratio (S3=S2/S1)
  • Percent change (S3=100 x (S2-S1)/S1):  Creates relative (in percent) difference images.
  • Average (S3=(S1+S2)/2): Calculates average images for each corresponding slice in the S1 and S2 datasets.
  • Student’s t-test on difference: Calculates paired t-test statistics on the difference between the source and destination time series. This option assumes both series to contain several dynamic time-points (4D data). A sub-set of the total time-series can be specified.
  • P-value mask for t-test: Rather than calculating the actual t-value (as above), this option generates a binary mask with values of one for voxels where the null-hypothesis is rejected (source and target time-series are significantly different for the given p-value). Can additionally specify if a paired t-test should be applied and whether the test should be one- or two-sided.
  • Specified operation: Performs a user-defined (linear) arithmetic operation as: S3=f1*S1 + f2*S2 + f3 where f1, f2 and f3 are user defined floating point values.
  • Merge: Merges source and target series into a single series.

Related topics:

Arithmetic operation tab
Pre process tab
Image scaling tab
Drag & Drop
Image Arithmetics functions


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