DTI interaction panel

The DTI interaction panel provides tools for visualizing and interacting with DTI 3D window in the MPR window .

The upper half of the panel contains the controls for interacting with the rendered image volume and generating animations. The various features here are described in the following sections:

The lower half of the panel contains controls related to the visualization and processing of DTI Fiber Tracking.

DTI 3D window

The DTI 3D window is located in the lower right corner of the MPR window  and is used to visualize the white matter fiber tracts reconstructed from the DTI data. All controls in the DTI interaction panel relates to this window. It can also visualize BOLD fMRI activations as 'blobs' if enabled from the BOLD interaction panel .

NOTE: the DTI/Bold 3D window can be maximized to cover all four sub-windows by double-clicking inside the window.

Various features of the 3D window can be accessed via a popup-menu displayed when clicking the <menu> button in the top left corner of  the window:

Toggle window size:

Toggles the size of the 3D window within the MPR viewing frame. When toggled, the window size changes between full-size (hiding the MPR windows) and normal size (both MPR windows and 3D window).

Save snapshot to...

Save a snapshot of the 3D window to either File (onto local hard-drive) or to the DICOM Database .

Save VOIs as...

Save added VOIs to a file on local hard-drive. This option is used together with the 'Add ROI' feature described under the 'Fiber Tracking tab' below.

Interaction mode:

Set the interaction mode of the mouse in the 3D window.

Plane interpolation:

Switch on/off nearest neighbour interpolation of the visualized image planes.

Overlay cDTI map: allows you to overlay the colorcoded DTI map in the 3D viewer.

Color fibers by direction:

Toggle the coloring scheme of the visualized fibers. When enabled, the fibers are colored according to their direction (Red: Anterios-Posterior, Green: Left-right, Blue: Inferior-Superior). When disabled, the fibers have one single color as defined by the 'Set fiber color...' menu entry. 

Set fiber color...

Set the fiber color to use when the 'Color fibers by direction' is disabled.

Hide VOI Box:

Hide the current VOI box (when enabled).

Hide Orientation Box:

Toggle the visibility of the orientation box located at the bottom right corner of the 3D window.

Fiber Tracking tab

This tab contains the tools for interacting with the reconstructed white matter fiber tracts visualized in the DTI 3D window.


Enable either Volume of Interest (VOI) or Region of Interest (ROI) feature in the 3D window. The former will display a red box in the middle of the visualized volume which can be interactively positioned and resized by the user, while the latter will enable the user to draw free-hand ROIs in any of the image planes. Both the VOI and ROI tools can be used to interactively select reconstructed fibers passing certain regions of the image volume, and define ROIs/VOIs constraining the fiber search prior to performing fiber tracking.

Add ROI: 

Add/save the current defined ROI/VOI to the list of defined ROI/VOIs. This enables the user to store define multiple ROI/VOIs for selecting fiber connectivity. Each ROI/VOI can be assigned a logical attribute (AND, OR, NOT) by right-clicking on the corresponding entry in the list (list-box to the right of the 'Add ROI' button).

Clear ROIs: 

Clear / remove the ROI/VOIs currently added to the list. 


Save or Load ROI/VOIs to / from a file. This can be used to save the ROI/VOIs added to the list.

Reconstruct fibers

Perform Fiber Tracking on the current input dataset. Note that this will clear the current reconstructed fiber dataset (if any) and redo the fiber tracking based on the current defined VOI/ROIs and settings defined in the 'Settings' tab. 

Group fibers

Make a group of the fibers passing through the current defined VOI/ROIs. This allows the user to 'save' the selected fibers as a group. The user is prompted to provide a description/name of the group, and when the group is created a corresponding entry is created in the grouped fiber list (list-box to the right of the 'Group fibers' button). The properties of the group (number of fibers, diffusion statistics) are displayed in the upper left corner of the 3D window. The fibers in each group can be displayed with different colors, which can be changed by clicking on the corresponding entry in the group list.


Clear/delete the current defined groups.

Fiber transparency

Set the transparency (opacity) of the visualized fibers





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