Animations tab

The controls contained here can be used to generate animations (based on applied rotations and zooming factors) of the DTI 3D window that can be saved in various output formats.

Set current view as initial frame: 

Click this button to define the current view in the 3D window as the initial frame for the animation you would like to generate. This enables the Reset and Save buttons.


Define the amount or rotation around the 3 spacial axes to be done from the initial and last frame of the animation.


Define a zooming factor to be done from the initial and last frame of the animation.

Number of steps: 

Define the number of steps (frames to be generated) between the first and last frame of the animations.


Reset the rotation/zoom factors and go back to initial frame.



Select output format of the animation. The following options are available:

·         Save as image stack: Save animation as a stack of images on the local disk

·         Save as AVI movie: Save animation as an AVI-movie stream on the local disk

·         Save to Database: Save animation as a new DICOM series in the local DICOM database.

·         Save to PACS: Save animation as a new DICOM series directly to PACS (when configured).