BOLD interaction panel

The BOLD interaction panel provides tools for visualizing and interacting with analyzed BOLD data in the MPR window .

Activation maps

This field contains a list of all the current available activation maps resulting from the BOLD analysis. By default, all available activation maps are displayed as overlay on the current visualized image volume in the MPR view. By clicking on a checkboxes to the left of each entry in this list you can toggle the visibility the respective overlay, and by clicking on the color-field to the right you can change to color.

View in MPR:

Toggle on/off the visualization of activation maps as overlay in the MPR view

View in 3D:

Toggle on/off the visualization of activation maps as 'blobs' in the DTI 3D window .

Save maps...:

Saves the activation maps as DICOM series to the DICOM database.


This field contains the controls for applying thresholds to the displayed overlays. The overlays can be thresholded either individually or they could be given the same threshold value.

Threshold all maps:

Check this if you would like all overlays to have the same t-value threshold. Do not check mark if you would like to threshold each overlay individually. If disabled, the overlay corresponding to the current selected activation in the Activation maps list box will be thresholded.


Choose the minimum T-Value to display in the overlay. The corresponding P-Value will be estimated and updated automatically.


Choose the P-value of the statistical output map. The corresponding T-Value will be estimated and updated automatically.

T-Value Slider:

The T-Value slider allows you to interactively update the overlays while dragging the slider. The corresponding P- and T-Value will be updated automatically.



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