Viewing options

Various options are available to the user to customize what is displayed in the MPR window. This section addresses these options which are commonly referred to as viewing options.

Coordinate system

Change the coordinate system in MPR:

  • On the main menu of the MPR window: View -> Coordinate system
  • On the popup menu of the MPR window: View -> Coordinate system

As described in the section on MPR basics  the MPR window allows visualization with respect to two different coordinate systems, the Image volume and Magnet coordinate systems. The user may toggle between these two systems. By default visualization with respect to the Image volume system is chosen. In the Settings' Multi-Planar Reformat tab  the user may select the coordinate system chosen when launching MPR.


Change the interpolation in MPR:

  • On the main menu of the MPR window: View -> Interpolation
  • On the popup menu of the MPR window: View -> Interpolation

Image intensities at positions between the original projection planes and pixels are needed when projection planes are repositioned or transformations applied. Three different methods for interpolation are available in MPR.

Nearest neighbor: the image intensity from original image voxel closest to the evaluated position is chosen.

Tri-linear: linear interpolation in all three directions provides the image intensity at the evaluated position.

Tri-cubic: cubic (Catmull-Rom) interpolation in all three directions provides the image intensity at the evaluated position.

The default interpolation is tri-linear. In the Settings' Multi-Planar Reformat tab the user may select the type of interpolation chosen when MPR is launched.

Performing tri-linear or tri-cubic interpolation when transforming as described in the section on Navigation in MPR  is quite CPU intensive. The user therfore has the possibility to select nearest neighbor interpolation at the intermediate transformation steps, i.e. when dragging the mouse pointer.

Slice order

Change the interpolation in MPR:

  • On the main menu of the MPR window: View -> Slice order
  • On the popup menu of the MPR window: View -> Slice order

Some image volumes may have been loaded in an order opposite to what is desired. This options allows the order of the images in the volume to be inverted. By default the images are not inverted. The user may change this in the Settings' Multi-Planar Reformat tab .

Visible components

Coordinate labels

Change the coordinate labels in MPR:

  • On the main menu of the MPR window: View -> Coordinate labels
  • On the popup menu of the MPR window: View -> Coordinate labels

Mouse pointer coordinates may be displayed in the lower left corner when the mouse pointer hovers above any of the projection panels. By default the pixel coordinate in the give projection image is displayed. Alternatively the mouse pointer's coordinate in the magnet coordinate system may be displayed in units of mm, or the display of coordinate labels may be turned off.


Toggle the display of crosshairs in MPR:

  • On the main menu of the MPR window: View -> Crosshairs
  • On the popup menu of the MPR window: View -> Crosshairs

In any of the projection panels the crosshairs display the position of the other two panels. When toggled off their are not displayed when a projection image is copied to the clipboard.

Orientation labels

Toggle the display of orientation labels in MPR:

  • On the main menu of the MPR window: View -> Orientation labels
  • On the popup menu of the MPR window: View -> Orientation labels

Orientation labels indicate the orientation of the head when displayed in MPR, as described in the section on MPR basics . The display of these labels may be toggled.

Color bar

Toggle the display of color bar in MPR:

  • On the main menu of the MPR window: View -> Color bar
  • On the popup menu of the MPR window: View -> Color bar

The palette color bar (see the section on Overlays in MPR ) shows the range of the pixel intensities in the active overlay.

Pixel labels

Toggle the display of pixel labels in MPR:

  • On the main menu of the MPR window: View -> Pixel labels
  • On the popup menu of the MPR window: View -> Pixel labels

If  pixel labels have been imported the display of these labels may also be toggled. Toggling display off does, however, not unload the pixel labels.
