BOLD fMRI Analysis 

The BOLD fMRI analysis module can be used to generate and visualize activation maps from acquired BOLD fMRI time series.

Before launching the BOLD analysis module in nordicICE, it is of vital importance that the images are recognized as a 4-dimensional time-series, and that the images are sorted according to image-number. This will be the case by default if the images were loaded either using the DICOM reader interface (see “ DICOM Reader ” ) or the DICOM server interface (see “ DICOM database ” ).

Once loaded, the BOLD analysis module is initiated by selecting BOLD fMRI analysis   on the Modules menu.

Note that you can also run the BOLD analysis using the BOLD/DTI Wizard .

General Linear Module Analysis of BOLD data

The BOLD (blood-oxygenated-level dependent) fMRI Analysis (GLM) module performs a general linear model (GLM) analysis on BOLD image time series. BOLD data usually consists of a series of T2* weighted EPI images.

The BOLD GLM analysis works in a simple manner, and basically contains five main steps:

1.     Load BOLD image time series. 

2.     Open the BOLD fMRI Analysis (GLM) module.

3.     Load the design file which contains the specified paradigm.

4.     Preprocess the image data and estimate the GLM analysis.

5.     Display and threshold estimated statistical (T-value) image maps. 

Note: The BOLD  fMRI Analysis (GLM) analysis window is opened from Modules in the menu after loading the BOLD image time series to analyze. The image time series must be selected when opening the module.

Select Design list

Select the design file from the list of designs.  If the design file has not been specified yet, it can be created by pressing the create design button .
If the design file is not located in the list, but somewhere else in your directory, it can be imported into the list by pressing the import design... button.

Edit Design button

Edit an existing design file. If no design file is selected in the design file list, this is the same as choosing the create design button . For more information see edit/create design file .

Create Design button

Create a new design file. For more information see edit/create design file

Import Design... button

Import an existing design file from another location in your directory.

Next button

Go to the next page . Enabled first after selecting a design file from the list.

Related topics:

Process BOLD Image Data
Output BOLD Image Data Analysis
Edit/create design file
Create paradigm in design file
Specify contrasts in design file
Specify processing steps in design file


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