Specify Contrasts in Design File

Contrasts are used in the statistical analysis after the GLM analysis. They are necessary to generate meaningful statistical output maps.

Added Contrast(s) list

List of added contrast(s).

Add Contrast button

Add new contrast to the contrast list.

Delete Contrast button

Delete selected contrast from the contrast list.

Define Contrast

This is where you specify a new contrast, or alter an existing contrast. The contrast which at a given time is selected in the contrast list is displayed here.

To specify the entries in a contrast, click on the squares. The squares above the line correspond to a 1 in the contrast, and the ones below the line correspond to -1. In the example below, the resulting contrast is [1 -1]. Note that the program will automatically add a 0 entry at the end of the contrast, which is not displayed, which corresponds to the constant regressor in the design matrix.

A name can also be given to the contrast to make it easier to identify the meaning of the generated statistical output after the analysis.

Other Options

Cancel Button

Abort edit of existing, or creation of new, design file.

Save Design Button

Save design file with the name specified in design name.

Previous Button

Go to the previous page.

Next Button

Go to the next page.

Related topics:

Edit/create design file
Create paradigm in design file
Specify processing steps in design file


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