Starting the DCE analysis module


  • Main Menu: Modules->DCE Analysis

The DCE module main window will appear together with two image windows - one containing the original input data and one new window containing the converted time series for the current slice (called Image Arithmetrics map).  The main DCE window contains multiple tabs (task groups), as described below as well as a graph showing the dynamic signal response (mean curve) for the current slice. 

DCE analysis module  interface

Initial screen layout when starting the DCE analysis module with a T1-weighted dynamic MR data set (top image window). The default curve shows the global (average) signal curve for the dynamic series for the current slice after signal conversion to percent change in signal intensity (SI). If the baseline level in the input data is different from zero then the time series needs to be converted to relative signal change or the change in R1. The signal conversion type is set under the <Parameters> tab. The second  image window contains the dynamic image series for the selected slice after signal conversion. If the slice is changed in the main image window (for multi-slice series), the dynamic image window is updated to reflect the new slice. By default, the noise threshold level is shown as red overlay in the input dataset. All pixels in red indicate pixels excluded from further DCE analysis. By default, the noise level is estimated automatically, but can be adjusted by the user under the <Pre-process> tab. 

Note that ROIs can be drawn in the converted dynamic time series window using any of the ROI shapes. When a ROI is drawn, the dynamic curve for the selected ROI will be displayed in stead of the average curve for the entire image.

The DCE Analysis  Module menu is sub-divided into four groups (tabs) :

1.     Main

2.     Pre-process

3.     Parameters

4.     Arterial Input Function

5.     ROI Analysis

The Arterial Input Function tab is not used if  vascular deconvolution (correction for AIF) is not applied.

Related topics:

Loading dynamic datasets
Working with regions of interest (ROI)
DCE Theory



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