Loading a dynamic dataset

See Image management for details on how to load images. nordicICE can perform perfusion analysis on both single slice and multi slice dynamic datasets (i.e. an image volume acquired at multiple time-points following CA administration). For multislice datasets, make sure that the Scroll drop-down selection box appears at the top of the image frame when the images are loaded (see figure). The presence of the selection box implies that nordicICE has recognized the dataset as a dynamic multi-slice series and is then able to sort the images correctly for the perfusion analysis. See “ Sorting multi-dimensional datasets ”

Multi-slice image dropdown selection

Appearance of drop-down selection box when multi-slice dynamic images are loaded and recognized as such by nordicICE.


  • The input images will automatically be loaded in the correct order independent of the setting of the drop-down selection box. Selection of single- or multi-slice analysis is done from within the perfusion module. 

Next step:

Starting the perfusion module

 Related topics:

Image management