Starting the perfusion module


  • Main Menu: Modules->Perfusion Analysis

The perfusion module main window will appear together with two image windows - one containing the original input data and one new window constaining the converted time series for the current slice.  The main perfusion window contains multiple tabs (task groups), as described below as well as a graph showing the dynamic signal response (mean curve) for the current slice. 

Perfusion module interface


Initial screen layout when starting the perfusion module with a T2*-weighted dynamic multi-slice MR data set (top image window). The default curve shows the global (average) signal curve for the dynamic series for the current slice after signal conversion to change in R2*.  Note that the displayed time curve should have a positive peak amplitude and a zero (approximate) bassline value. The signal conversion type is set under the <Parameters> tab. The second image window contains the dynamic image series for the selected slice after signal conversion. If the slice is changed in the main image window, the dynamic image window is updated to reflect the new slice. By default, the noise threshold level is shown as red overlay in the input dataset. All pixels in red indicate pixels excluded from further perfusion analysis. By default, the noise level is estimated automatically, but can be adjusted by the user under the <Pre-process> tab. 

Note that ROIs can be drawn in the converted dynamic time series window using any of the ROI shapes. When a ROI is drawn, the dynamic curve for the selected ROI will be displayed instead of the average curve for the entire image.


The Perfusion Module menu is sub-divided into four groups (tabs):

1.     Main

2.     Pre-process

3.     Parameters

4.     Arterial Input Function

The Arterial Input Function tab is not used if vascular deconvolution (correction for AIF) is not applied.

Gamma variate fitting

You can specify the dynamic data to be fitted to a gamma variate function, by turning on the Gamma variate fit on the top of the graph. This is an asymmetric derivation of a Gaussian curve describing the theoretical concentration-time curve of a first-pass bolus through tissue (see e.g. Bjornerud et al Magn Reson Med 47:298:304 (2002) for details). By default, the perfusion analysis is performed on the raw (unprocessed) first-pass curve within the limits set by the pre-bolus range and image range. This is the quickest method to obtain relative perfusion maps since no curve fitting is involved. However, analyzing the raw first-pass curve may give rise to some spurious variations in the perfusion values due to recirculation effects and general effects of noise. Fitting to a gamma variate function to the fist-pass curve can produce smoother maps if the input data is noisy and will also reduce the effect of contrast agent recirculation. The drawback of fitting the first-pass data is that the data may not fit the model function well - in areas of abnormal perfusion. Also, gamma variate fitting can itself be unstable if data is noisy.

When gamma variate fitting is selected, an additional output map called a chi-square map can be generated. This image represents the 'goodness of fit' of the raw data to the gamma variate model function for each pixel. To generate this map, turn it on in the Options - Output menu.

When gamma variate fitting is selected, the dynamic curve will interactively be fitted to a gamma variate function (shown in yellow) as seen below.

Note that if gamma variate fitting is combined with AIF deconvolution, then the AIF will be fitted to a gamma function also.

Next step:

Main settings