MAIN tab

Input range

Under the Main tab you specify the input image range as well as which output maps should be generated. Note that you may need to click the <Parameter> tab to set more options before you generate the desired output maps.

  • Pre-bolus range
    • Specifies the pre-contrast (baseline) data range; i.e. the baseline images. This range is used to convert the dynamic signal to either relative or absolute change in pixel signal (if selected in the <Signal conversion> field under the <Parameter> tab). Note that if Signal conversion is set to <None> it is assumed that the baseline image range has a zero mean value.
    • If <Auto-detect> is checked the pre-bolus range is determined automatically. Note that  for very noisy data, or dynamic data with very little enhancement, automatic detection of pre-bolus range may fail.
    • For optimal analysis the largest possible number of baseline images should be included but always exclude initial images if transient signal intensity (saturation) effects are present.  
  • Last image:
    • Specifies the last time-point to be included in the analysis. By default, this is set to the last image in the dynamic series. 
  • Wash-in range:
    • Specifies the range of images used to estimate the initial up-slope of contrast enhancement (as well as bolus arrival time). 
    • If <Auto-detect> is enabled (default) the up-slope is estimated automatically. Automatic estimation is done  by detecting the bolus arrival position and then calculate the slope from this time-point to the time-point of half of maximum enhancement. 
    • Note that this parameter is only used for analysis of  'wash-in' or in the estimation of K12 when  no AIF is defined.

Setting Pre-bolus (baseline) range and Image range

The baseline, last image values and initial wash-in range can be set graphically by dragging the blue lines, or numerically by changing the image number in the Min and Max boxes.

Output images

Here you specify which output maps should be generated. 

  • K12 (Ktrans): rate constant for transfer of CA from plasma to extravascular, extracellular space (EES). 
  • K21 (kep):  rate constant for transfer of CA from EES to plasma 
  • Vp: relative plasma volume
  • Ve: CA distribution volume (same as EES). 
  • TTP: time to peak enhancement. 
  • Peak: peak enhancement. 
  • AUC: area under the DCE curve
  • Wash-in: initial up-slope of the DCE curve
  • Wash-out: down-slope of the DCE curve (negative slope from peak enhancement to last datapoint) 
  • Perfusion (BF)
  • Bolus arrival time (BAT)

See Kinetic modeling theory for a description of the different output maps. The methods used to generate the different perfusion maps depends on the options set under <Options> as well as under <Arterial Input Function>. It should be noted that if the arterial input function (AIF) can not be determined, the the kinetic parameters K12, K21, Vp and Ve can not be properly determined and the output maps only reflects relative values based on the assumption described in the Theory section. Sample output images are shown below from a patient with primary brain tumor. The images are (left to right): Ktrans, AUC and Ve () 

Sample output images



Specify if selected output images should be generated for current slice only or for  all input slices.

Once the desired output images have been specified, the maps can be generated by pressing the <Process> button.


Exit the DCE analysis module. Note that all settings will be saved when you exit nordicICE so that you don't have to set all the parameters again if you use the same settings every time.


Here you set advanced options for the perfusion analysis. See DCE analysis options  for more details. 


Related topics:

Kinetic modeling theory



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