T1 Relaxation tab

To display the T1 Relaxation tab, select Data modelling ... from the Processing menu of the ROI intensity curves dialog.

Curve fitting

Sequence type:

Inversion Recovery (IR): input data is IR sequence with multiple (2 or more) inversion times (Tis) of the form: S(TI)= So[1-2 exp(-TI/T1)]. The input data can either be of type Modulus in which case only positive values are present in the input data and the Modulus curve option should be chosen. If input data is of type Real in which case both positive and negative values are present in the input data, then the Real curve option should be selected. NOTE: Axis Option must be set to <Inversion time> for this option to be active.

Baseline offset: The model includes an offset term to account for the fact that values are never zero (due to a noise floor) in the raw data. Only enabled when Modulus curve is selected.

Look-Locker correction: Corrects for the effect of multiple (low flip angle) excitations on the resulting IR curve shape. This is a special option typically applied to IR data acquired with the Lock-Locker type sequence (mostly on Philips scanners)

Correct for imperfect inversion pulses: The inversion pulse is included as a model parameter so that the equation fitted to the data becomes: S(TI)= So[1-K.exp(-TI/T1)], where K =2 for perfect inversion (180 degree) pulse.

Saturation Recovery (SR): Input data is a SR sequence with two or more delay times (TDs) of the form S(TD)=So[1-exp(TD/T1)]

Correct for imperfect inversion pulses: The saturation pulse is included as a model parameter so that the equation fitted to the data becomes: S(TI)= So[1-K.exp(-TI/T1)], where K =1 for perfect saturation (90 degree) pulse.

Multi-flip angle: Input data is a spoiled gradient echo (SPGR) type sequence with two or more flip angles. Here, the repetition time for the sequence must be specified. NOTE: Axis Option must be set to <flip angle> for this option to be active.





Related topics:

Relaxation analysis

T2 Relaxation tab
Kinetic modelling tab
Gamma variate tab
Linear tab
Pre-process tab
ROI Intensity Curves


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