Fiber Tracking

The fiber tracking module in nordicICE implements the feature of reconstructing axonal tracts in the central nervous system using diffusion tensor imaging. The resulting three-dimensional architecture of the white matter tracts can be studied using a designated 3D volume viewer.

Currently, nordicICE performs fiber tracking using the algorithm commonly referred to as Fiber Assignment by Continous Tracking (FACT) (Mori Ann. Neurol. 1999;45:265-269). Assuming that the orientation of the largest component of the diagonalized diffusion tensor represents the orientation of dominant axonal tracts, DTI provides a 3D vectors field in which each vector represents the fiber orientation. The FACT method basically consists of initiating a tract from a given seed-pixel within such a vector field from which a line is propagated in both retrograde and orthograde direction. The tracking is terminated when it reaches a pixel with a fractional anisotropy index lower than a predefined threshold, or when the inner product between two successive eigenvectors to be connected by the tracking is smaller than a given threshold.

NOTE: The performance of the fiber tracking analysis is in general highly dependent on both the quality of the input data and the limitations of the implemented algorithm. The analysis may fail to correctly reconstruct structures where diffusion pathways are overlapping (crossing/kissing). Care should therefore be taken when interpreting the results as the visualized fiber tracts do not necessarily correspond to real physical structures.

The input to Fiber Tracking is the calculated diffusion tensors from a diffusion weighted dataset. Thus prior to performing Fiber Tracking, you need to perform the DTI analysis as outlined in DTI analysis section . The fiber tracking visualization features are accessed via the DTI interaction panel in the MPR viewer .

Tracking method

Tracking is always initiated from a set of seed-pixels. These seed-pixels can either be defined as a subset of the image volume ("Search from seed") or as the complete image volume ("Exhaustive search"). In the latter case, branching patterns are more correctly reconstructed at the expense of processing time. Thus one of the two following methods must be selected in the 'Settings' tabsheet:

1.     Search from seed: Tracking is initiated from defined seed-voxels. In this case, the seed-region has to be defined within the image volume using the ROI feature (step 3). Optionally two more ROIs can be defined requiring or excluding fiber passage in certain regions of the brain.

2.     Exhaustive search: Tracking is initiated from all voxels within the volume, and tracts are followed until one of the termination criteria are met. Optionally, up to 4 different ROIs can be drawn within the image volume in order to select only fibers that pass through the given regions of interest.

Termination criteria

The line propagation must be terminated at some point. The most intuitive termination criterion is the extent of anisotropy. In a low anisotropy region, such as grey matter, there may not be a coherent tract orientation within a pixel and the orientation of the largest principal axis is more sensitive to noise errors. Another vital criterion is the angle change between pixels. For the linear line propagation model being used, large errors occur if the angle transition is large. It is therefore preferable to set a threshold that prohibits a sharp turn during the propagation.

Fractional Anisotropy : If the Fractional Anisotropy index of the voxel being propagated to is less than this threshold tracking is terminated.

Tract turning angle : If the angle (in degrees) between two successive principal eigenvectors is larger than this threshold tracking is terminated.

Number of voxels : Minimum number of assigned voxels required for reconstructed tracks. This is typically used to filter out spurious tracks.

Region(s)/Volume(s) of Interest

Up to 4 different VOI/ROIs can be defined prior to performing fiber tracking. Each VOI/ROI can be assigned a logical attribute - AND, OR, NOT - defining how the fibers are selected:

  • AND: When 2 or more ROI/VOIs are defined as AND, only keep fibers that pass all these regions. 
  • OR: When 2 or more ROI/VOIs are defined as OR, keep all fibers passing one of these regions.
  • NOT: Exclude all fibers passing this region.

 See the DTI interaction panel reference for a detailed description on how to use these features.