Save Data

  • Save iconMain Menu: File->Save
  • Popup Menu: Save

First the File save dialog is opened.

nordicICE automatically provides only the subset of options available in the File Save dialog box depending on the data to be saved.

The File Save dialog

        All images: Saves all the images in the active image window. This option allows 'batch conversion' of a series of images to a different file format (e.g. DICOM to JPEG). The saved image names will be the name specified in the File name field, followed by a number indicating the running number of a specific image in the saved series. The image format of the saved image is set using the Save as type image format dropdown menu in the File Save dialog.

        Current Image: Saves only the currently displayed image in the active image window.

        Mosaic to Nifti: This option is specific for Siemens Mosaic Images which are in Siemens DICOM format. Selecting this option converts the images from Siemens Mosaic format to Nifti. This option will only be enabled if the loaded image series is recognized as Siemens Mosaic images. See  Converting and Saving Siemens Mosaic Images for more details.

        Line profile: Saves the intensity values along the selected line profile for the current image to an ASCII text file.

Options: Clicking on Options opens the Default Settings Image Save dialog window (see  Image Save Options ). Note the options selected here will affect all data to be saved from nordicICE and not only the immediate data to be saved.

Cancel: Cancels the save operation.

Save: This opens a standard Windows Save dialog window. The save operations are the same as for any Windows application. nordicICE will always open on the same directory as the last save operation. To change directory or open a new directory, follow the standard Windows procedures.

Specification of file format for saved images in the File Save drop-down menu

The Save as type dropdown menu shows the available formats for the image(s) or data to be saved. As regards images, the following formats are available:

        Nifti (*.nii)- this saves in Nifti format ( ). In the case of four-dimensional datasets (e.g. multi-slice datasets at multiple timepoints), one can either generate a single Nifti file containing all time-points or one Nifti file per timepoint. This option is set under I Main Menu: Options->General->Image Save:

        JPEG (.jpg)

        Bitmap (.bmp)

        RAW (.raw) - simple binary image format (8 or 16 BPP - one 2D slice per file) with no header information.

        DICOM (.dcm/.dc). nordicICE currently supports most monochrome DICOM 3.0 formats; including lossless JPEG compressed DICOM and multi-frame images. nordicICE does currently not support DICOM formats with multiple color planes per pixel (e.g. RGB) or DICOM image overlays. nordicICE can, however, save images with color palette or nordicICE-generated overlays as DICOM RGB-color images.

        AVI video stream. Adjustable frame rate and compression scheme (depending on available video codecs installed on the PC). See  Various  for more details.


  • Store your images in a structured way. This simplifies finding the images later.


  • Images can be saved directly into the DICOM database.

Related topics:

Saving images to the DICOM database