Image Arithmetics based on two datasets

To perform arithmetic on two datasets, you first have to configure nordicICE to perform the correct arithmetic operation when using drag and drop. This is done in two steps.

First, configure Drag & Drop

1.     Open the Settings window:

.       Main Menu: Options -> General ... 

2.     Select the Drag & Drop tag. 

3.     Select Perform arithmetic operation on dragged series and source images.

4.     Click OK.

Second, select the desired kind of arithmetic

1.     Open the Arithmetic Analysis settings window:

.       Main Menu: Process -> Image Arithmetics...

2.     Select the Drag & Drop tab

3.     Select the operation you want to perform:

.       Subtract

A.    Percent difference

B.    Average

C.    Specified operation

4.     Click OK

Now you can drag and drop the target image onto the source image.

The settings you have chosen will remain in place until you change them, so you can perform the same arithmetic operation on any two datasets at a later time using drag and drop.

Related topics:

Image Subtract
Image Collapse
Image arithmetics applied to a single dataset