Image Average

An image volume may be averaged into a single composite image. Each pixel in the collapsed image is generated as the average of a user-defined range of slices from the original image set.

Images generated by applying the Image Collapse function to a 3D image volume. The original 3D volume is to the left and the collapsed image to the right. Notice that the collapsed image is the active image window. Since this is a single image, the arithmetic tools toolbar icons are disabled. Selecting the original 3D volume image window will enable the arithmetic tools toolbar icons.

To collapse an image volume:

1.     Main Menu: Process -> Image Arithmetics...

2.     In the Arithmetic Analysis settings dialog Select the Arithmetic operation tab.

3.     In the Select series image operation framebox select the Average (Sum(Sn)/n) radiobutton.

4.     Click Process.

Related topics:

Image Subtract
Image arithmetic applied to a single dataset
Image arithmetic based on two datasets