Image Arithmetics applied to a Single Dataset

To perform an Arithmetic operation on a single dataset, make the image window containing the dataset active (by clicking on it.)

If you intend to use a single image as your source image, select the source image in the image window.

Then open the Arithmetic Analysis settings dialog:

  • Arithmetic iconMain Menu: Process -> Image Arithmetics...

Select the Arithmetic operation tag

Select the operation you want to perform:

  • Subtraction
  • Percent Change
  • Average
  • Multiplication
  • Conversion from change in signal intensity to change in T2- relaxation rate (SI->deltaR2) (for dynamic contrast enhanced DSC series)
  • Conversion from change in signal intensity (deltaS1) to change in T1- relaxation rate (SI->delR1) (for dynamic contrast enhanced DCE series using either SPGR or sat recovery (SR) sequences)
  • Calculate the variance for a time series
  • Calculate the temporal SNR of a time series
  • Perform a user-defined linear transformation to the series
  • Perform ASL based CBF quantification (Specific option for pCASL series acquired on GE scanners)

The Source image can either be a single image in the source set, or the average of two or more consecutive images.

To select a single image, select Current image
To select multiple images, select Average of images. Then choose the fist and last image to be used.

Related topics:

Image Subtract
Image Collapse
Image arithmetic based on two datasets