Loading and Sorting Images

Images may be loaded into nordicICE by many different methods.

·        Standard Windows File Open Dialog

·        From Windows Explorer by Drag and Drop (all image formats)

·        DICOM reader - for DICOM / ACR-NEMA images

·        Nifti file reader - for Nifti images

All these methods allow direct access to any nordicICE-compatible images present on any drive accessible from the PC. nordicICE is delivered with a DICOM database, supporting DICOM query/retrieve and a user-friendly interface for image loading and sorting. DICOM images may not sort correctly in Windows Explorer or the standard File->Open dialog based on the file name provided by certain modalities. The DICOM reader or DICOM server provide a more satisfactory option for sorting, selecting and loading a set of DICOM images.

Nifti image files are created as sets of two or three files with the extensions .nii. The nifti file manager is implemented for selection and loading nifti format files. Note that these files will not be recognized by the DICOM reader.

Image Loading

Individual images, imaging volumes or image series comprising several individual acquisitions of a given volume differentiated according to a fourth parameter such as echo time or time point may be loaded into an image window. A given series is normally stored in a single windows directory (but this is not a requirement). In effect any series or selection of images may be loaded into a single image window in nordicICE.

Abort Image Loading

A current image loading operation may be aborted by pressing the ESC key. The images already loaded will be kept, but no more images will be loaded once the ESC key is pressed

Related topics:

Load an image from your Hard Disk or Network
DICOM Reader
 NIFTI File Manager