Slice-dependent adjustments of the ROI mask

The current ROI can be adjusted individually in each slice in the active window before the ROI masking function is applied. To do this, the ROI Update Scope Scroll Box in the ROI Statistics window must be set to Current Image when a ROI is drawn. The ROI scope can also be set to Current->First or Current->Last to apply the ROI to the desired range of images. The ROI can also be disabled for individual slices by selecting the Hide ROI option in the “ The ROI Statistics window ” window. When scrolling through the images with this ROI setting, you will notice that the ROI position (and shape/size if changed) will change according to the setting for the currently shown image. The created ROI mask will reflect the individual adjustment of the ROI in each slice when the Scope is set to All Active Images in the ROI mask dialog window.

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ROI masks