Draw and measure pixel values in a region of interest (ROI)

This option is used to obtain the pixel values from one or multiple ROIs. To draw and measure a ROI:

  • Main Menu Measure ->ROI ->Measure
  • Popup menu: ROI ->Measure

The toolbar icon shows the currently selected ROI type. This can be altered by clicking the small arrow to the right of the icon. The ROI shape is selected from the appearing drop down menu on the toolbar associated with the ROI icon. Click to select the required shape.

         The Rectangular and Ellipse shapes are set. Click and hold down the left mouse key within the shape to move it (a hand pointer appears), or on the perimeter to draw out the ellipse or square (a double headed arrow appears).

         The Freehand tool allows a ROI to be accurately drawn around observed structures. Press the left mouse key and trace the shape. On release of the mouse key a straight line is drawn to the point of initiation.

         To draw a Polygon , point and click on the desired locations. To close the polygon, press Alt and click. A straight line is drawn to the point of initiation.

         The Scatter option allows measurement of single points. Clicking on subsequent locations is additive and the ROI value measured is the mean of the different scatter points. This option is useful for example to sample the mean pixel value in an irregular structure such as an artery.

When the Draw ROI function is activated, the ROI statistics window opens. The series descriptor appears at the top of the window and if ROI analyses are to be performed on multiple image series, it is recommended to add series descriptors for each series to differentiate between the ROI statistics and ROI buffer windows for the different images or image series under examination.

The ROI Statistics window

The ROI statistics window displays all relevant information about the current ROI. The first time (in a session) the ROI function is activated, the ROI statistics window will automatically appear and stay visible as long as the ROI function is activated. If the ROI statistics window is closed during a ROI drawing session, it can be re-opened by selecting

  • Main menu: Measure ->ROI ->View ->ROI Statistics

The following options are available from the ROI statistics window:

ROI Size / ROI Position

For rectangular and elliptical ROI s, the ROI size is displayed in the window. For other ROI types, this information is grayed out. Note that the ROI size and position can also be changed using the scroll bars to he right of each parameter.

ROI Source

Determines whether the ROI operation should be applied to the image overlay (see later section) or the underlay (default). The image underlay is here equivalent to the loaded image set if no overlay is present.

Hide Current ROI

Temporarily hides the current ROI (see Advanced ROI functionality )

Exclude zero value pixels

Exclude pixels with a value of zero from the statistical ROI analysis. Since some functions in nordicICE will set pixel values to zero in response to certain critieria, this is a means of excluding such pixels from the ROI analysis.

ROI statistics

Displays the mean, standard deviation, max, min and median pixel values in the current ROI as well as the ROI area and volume. Note that, by default, the drawn ROI is applied to all the images in the volume and the volume of interest (VOI) is therefore, by default, calculated as ROI x slice thickness x No. of slices. The ROI shape, size and position can, however, be individually adjusted for each slice. See  Advanced ROI functionality   for more details.

ROI Update Scope

Determines which images a given change in the current ROI is applied to. This is convenient if a given ROI should be applied to a subset of the images (e.g. current image to last image or current image to first image or just current image). See  Advanced ROI functionality for more details.

Hide ROIs

Removes multiple ROI s according to the setting of the ROI update scope parameter. See  Advanced ROI functionality for more details.

Save ROI to Buffer

Adds the active ROI to the ROI Buffer, as described in  Saving ROI data to the Buffer .

Save ROI pos:

Saves the ROI object as a .roi file. This option allows a given ROI to be loaded back with the same properties (shape, size, position) as when it was saved.


Copy the ROI statistics to the clipboard

Related topics:

Saving and loading ROIs
Saving ROI data to the buffer
Advanced ROI functionality