Line Profile

  • Intensity iconMain Menu Measure->Line Profile

This option draws a signal intensity profile along a user defined line on the image. The relative amplitude along the line reflects the pixel intensity in the image. Press the left mouse key at the desired start-position and drag to the desired end-position. On releasing the mouse button the intensity profile is displayed along the selected line. The start- and end-position of the line can be moved by dragging the yellow bullet points. The line can be copied between image series in the same way as a ROI using the menu items under Measure->Line Profile or by using the shortcuts Ctrl-Alt-K (copy) and Ctrl-Alt-V (paste). Clicking the line profile button again disables the option and deletes the line profile.

Line profiles may be saved as ASCII text files. The individual pixel values along the drawn line are listed with semi-colon delimiters facilitating import into Excel for analysis (File->Save->Line profile). The ascii file cannot be re-imported into nordicICE. Note: The scaling of the values listed in the text file is dependent on the setting on the Various sheet in Options->General Options. Choosing Processed data means that the actual values on the screen are used, choosing Raw data means that the underlying data of the image series is used. The line profile graphics is visible on the image after copy & paste operations between nordicICE and other Windows programs.

Line profile function

Related topics:

Copy images and color bars
Measure distance
Region of interest (ROI) Analysis