Copy images and color bars

  • Main Menu: Edit->Copy->to Clipboard (Ctrl+C)

This command copies the current image to the Windows clipboard. The image can then be retrieved in any Windows application supporting graphics clipboard retrieval by the usual Windows shortcuts (Ctrl+Insert or Ctrl+V).

  • Main Menu: Edit->Copy->to New Window (Ctrl+N)

Creates a duplicate of the current image in a new image window on the nordicICE workspace.

  • Main Menu: Edit->Copy->Colorbar

Copies the active colorbar (displaying the current palette) as a bitmap to the clipboard.


  • In most applications you can resize the image or color bar to any size you want, so you are not restricted to the sizes used in the nordicICE image windows.


  • You can save an image as a bmp or jpg file, and load the saved file into an application instead of pasting it directly from the Clipboard.

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