Image Viewing

When an image series or volume is loaded, a window containing the images appears on the nordicICE workspace. Any number of images or image volumes, either in a single image window or in multiple windows, may be loaded onto the nordicICE workspace, limited only by system memory. Images are viewed as single slices in the image window.

The image windows may be freely moved around the nordicICE workspace for convenient viewing when the mouse left button is held down over the title bar. (The bar at the top of the window. It is quite often blue. In the screen shots used in this manual, it is gray-blue) Further options for ordering image windows in the nordicICE workspace are provided via the main menu.

  • Main Menu: Window->Cascade arrays the open image windows in an overlapping cascade such that the title bars remain visible
  • Main Menu: Window->Tile arrays the open image windows adjacent to one another with minimum overlap
  • Main Menu: Window->Minimize all minimizes all of the open image windows placing them at the bottom of the nordicICE workspace.
  • Main Menu: File->Close All closes all image windows.


  • You can change which image window is active by typing Ctrl+F6 or Ctrl+Shift+F6

Related topics:

The active image window
Linking multiple windows