Configuring the nordicICE database

The nordicICE database can communicate with other DICOM entities (cameras, databases, etc.) For this communication to function, the nordicICE database needs information about the other DICOM entities it can communicate with.

Also, nordicICE should be configured so that other DICOM entities can communicate with it.

DICOM entities have two kinds of interfaces, Storage SCP (Storage Service Class Provider) and Query SCP (Query/retrieve Service Class Provider) Some applications support both interfaces, others only one interface.

Before using the nordicICE database to communicate with other DICOM entities, you need to exchange information with the administrators of these DICOM entities.  This often involves obtaining permissions from higher levels of the organization before one can get the desired information.

Gathering information about remote DICOM entities.

For each interface you want to communicate with, you need the following information:

  • AE Title
  • IP address or domain name
  • Port
  • Organization (optional)

If an entity supports both interfaces (Storage SCP and Query SCP), you probably need information about both interfaces.

To get this information, you will have to ask the DICOM entity's administrator for it.

Gathering information about the nordicICE Storage SCP

If you want a DICOM entity (e.g a MR scanner) to send images to your nordicICE database, you also need to set up the nordicICE database interface with the information required for DICOM communication.

Finding the SCP information.

1.     Find AE title

.        Click File

A.     Click DICOM server...

B.     In the nordicICE database dialog, click on the Settings tab

C.     In the framebox Local AE title you can find the current AE title. If you want to change the AE title,  press Edit.

.        Change the AE Title

a.      Press Save

2.     Find Machine name

.        On the toolbar, click Start

A.     Click Settings

B.     Click Control Panel

C.     In the Control panel dialog, find System in the list and click on it.

D.    In the System properties dialog, click on the Computer Name tab.

E.      The computer name is to the left of Full computer name. This name might include the domain name.  The computer name is the first part of the full computer name.

F.      Click Cancel

3.     Find IP address

.        On the toolbar, click Start

A.     Click Programs (also called All programs)

B.     Click Accessories

C.     Click Command prompt

D.    In the Command prompt window, type ipconfig

E.      The IP address is to the right of the line "IP Address" If your machine has multiple interface cards,  the IP addresses for each interface card will be displayed. Select the IP address corresponding to the network the other DICOM entities are on, or your router is on.

4.     The port for nordicICE is set to 5009 as its default value.

The administrator of the remote DICOM entity will use this information to configure the remote entity to send information to the nordicICE database.

  • The default AE title is set to the local PC's name during installation. It is possible to change this value during installation of the nordicICE database.
  • IP addresses can be allocated dynamically. If this is the case for your machine, use the machine name instead.


Adding remote DICOM entities to nordicICE.

For each remote DICOM entity you want to communicate with, you should do the following.

1.     Click File

2.     Click DICOM server...

3.     In the nordicICE database dialog, click on the Settings tab

4.     Click Add

5.     Enter a user-friendly name for the DICOM entity in the Name field

6.     If you have access to the Storage SCP, click the corresponding New button.

.        Enter the entities Storage AE title in the AE title field.

A.     Enter the IP address or the Domain name in the Node field.

B.     Enter the port number in the Port field.

C.     Enter a comment in the Comment field if desired.

D.    Enter the organization name in the Organization field if desired

E.      Click Save.

7.     If you have access to the Query/retrieve SCP, Click the corresponding New button

.        Enter the entities Query AE title in the AE title field.

A.     Enter the IP address or the Domain name in the Node field.

B.     Enter the port number in the Port field.

C.     Enter a comment in the Comment field if desired.

D.    Enter the organization name in the Organization field if desired

E.      Click Save.

8.     Enter a description in the Description field if desired

9.     Click Save

Related topics:

DICOM Database
nordicICE Database dialog
settings tab