Pre-processing in resting state fMRI

  • The repetition time (TR) is read automatically from the DICOM header. In those cases where the TR time is not present, a warning is given, and the time can be specified manually.
  • Motion correction can be done. Use Show Results to display the results of the motion correction (rotation and translation).
  • Noise threshold can be specified manually or automatically.
  • Gaussian smoothing can be done in 2D or 3D.
  • Temporal smoothing can be done using a bandpass filter. The bandpass filter using a Butterworth filter can be done, fitering both high and/or low frequencies.
  • It is possible to exclude volumes at start of end of the time series. If this is set to a value different from zero, they will be excluded from the analysis.

After changing any preprocessing step, you can select Redo Preprocessing to check the effect of the change. If pressing Process without first pressing Redo Preprocessing, the changes will be automatically included in the analysis, meaning that the preprocessing will be redone before the processing starts. This will only occur if changing of preprocessing parameters has been done.

See also:

Seed-based resting state analysis





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