Modify Image Overlay

  • Popup Menu: Overlay->Modify... (Ctrl+O)
  • In MPR mode: Overlay->Modify...

This opens the Overlay Settings dialog.

The Overlay Settings dialog

The following options are available in the Overlay Palette Settings dialog:

        Active Overlay: select from the dropdown menu the specific overlay to be modified in the case of multiple overlays.

        Palette: select the appropriate palette from the dropdown menu for the overlay selected in Active overlay. The different overlays may have different palettes.

        Overlay description: a text string identifying the active overlay.

        Opacity: The slide bar varies the degree of opacity (=1-transparency) of the overlay. 100 % opacity means maximum opacity (no transparency). The opacity is varied only for the overlay specified in Active Overlay, and multiple overlays may have different degrees of opacity. The opacity may be varied in real time, allowing viewing with changing levels of opacity.

        Window / pixel range: Sets the maximum / minimum window and pixel values which are rendered to screen. This is like the window level /width function for the image underlay, but instead of setting level/width values the max and min window values are set directly. For some image types (Nifti), the actual pixel values may include a scaling factor (e.g. to scale the resulting pixel range between 0.0 and 1.0), and for such images the pixel range displays the actual pixel range corresponding to the set window range. The pixel range can also be edited, and the window range will the be updated correspondingly. If the window->pixel scaling factor is 1.0 the window and pixel ranges will be the same.

        Flip overlay: flips the overlay along a selected axis (L/R, U/D, slice reorder). Note that the geometry info is not modified, only the visual presentation of the overlay.

        Hide Overlay: When checked the overlay specified in Active overlay is temporarily hidden.

  • Invert palette: When checked the palette of the overlay is inverted.

        Hide Colorbar: The palette colorbar normally appears on the left of the image to aid interpretation during image examination. Check this box to hide the colorbar. This also hides the colorbar when the image with overlay is copied to the clipboard.

        Delete overlay(s): Clicking the Delete overlay(s) button deletes all loaded overlays.

        Close: Click Close to close the dialog and retain the selected settings

Sliding the transparency scale from high to low transparency facilitates precise viewing of the overlay data relative to the underlying high resolution anatomical image.

Sample case of overlays from fingertapping on a 3D dataset.

Sample case of overlays from fingertapping on a 3D dataset.

Sample case of overlays from finger tapping on a 3D dataset. For both images, the right finger activation (green) is set to 50% opacity whereas the left finger activation is set to 100% opacity and about 20% opacity, respectively in the left and the right image.

Related topics:

Loading image overlays