
The workspace

The nordicICE workspace is shown in nordicICE workspace . The different nordicICE functions and options are activated via Menu Commands. Most menu commands are accessible via the main menu or as icons on the toolbar. Commonly used commands can also be accessed via a popup menu which appears on right clicking the mouse in the active image window. The active image window is the window which has the input focus.

nordicICE workspace

The nordicICE workspace showing the main menu (top), the toolbar (the rows of icons below main menu) the Status bar (bottom), an image window (the small window titled Anonymous) and a popup menu (shown on top of the image series).

Menus, shortcuts and toolbar icons

The following notation is used in this document to describe how to access a given menu command:

(Tool bar icon) Menu Type: Menu group->Submenu group->Menu Command (shortcut key)

Toolbar icons are available for commonly used operations. Pressing the appropriate toolbar icon is equivalent to activating the corresponding menu command. The Menu Type can be either Main Menu or Popup Menu. Menu group is the name of the menu group as shown on the main menu or popup menu. The Menu group can be followed by several Submenus, and each Submenu usually contains multiple menu commands. If a menu command is followed by ... it indicates that a dialog box will be launched (for further options) when the menu command is selected. The shortcut key is a Control + character sequence, which is available for commonly used menu commands.

Examples of menu command descriptions are:

  • Popup Menu: ROI->Current ROI->Load

This is a menu command which is activated from the popup menu and which launches a dialog box and does not have a shortcut key or an icon entry on the toolbar.

  • Image Imfo iconView->Image Info (Ctrl+I)

This is a menu command, activated from the main menu that has a shortcut key and an icon entry on the toolbar. Ctrl+I denotes pressing the control key plus the character "I" (not case sensitive).

Various other means of making selections are available. These are all part of the standard Windows user interface and should be familiar from other Windows applications. In particular, activation of a Menu Button in a dialog is denoted by the caption of the button in boldface, e.g.: OK.

Image windows

An image window is used to display a single image from a dataset.

The Image window

The Image window contains the information bar at the top, with information about the window level and width, the status bar at the bottom, with the number of the displayed image, a scrollbar on the left and the current palette on the right. On the right of the image itself there is a small orientation box congaing the letter L, indicating the left-hand side of the image. The title bar displays either the file name or the series description (if Dicom) depending on the setting under Options->Settings->Various.



  • You can press F1 within a dialog for help about the dialog.

Related topics:

Definition of terms