Perfusion Module - Advanced Options

Note: This section has not been updated to reflect changes in nordicICE version 4.0. Section will be updated soon. Some parts of the section might still be relevant.

Here you specify advanced options related to the perfusion analysis. These options need not be modified for most types of perfusion analysis.

Parameter estimation:

Raw dynamic curve analysis:
When no AIF deconvolution is applied, both CBV ann CBF are only determined in a relative sense based on the properties of the first-pass tissue response curve. From this curve, the perfusion parameters can be estimated in different ways. The relative CBV is always estimated from the area under the first-pass curve (AUC), but relative perfusion and mean transit time can be estimated in two different ways.
AIF deconvolution analysis:
When AIF (arterial input function) deconvolution is applied the cerebral blood volume can be estimated in two different ways as specified below: 

Gamma variate fit:

Gamma variate fitting is inherently an unstable problem due to the exponential / non-linear and multi-parametric nature of the gamma variate function. In order to reduce the parameter space, some parameters can be fixed which may improve the stability of the fitting if raw data is noisy.

Iterative Tikhonov regularizartion:

Here you specify the number of iterations to run when the optimal singular value filter factor is determined iteratively for Tikhonov regularization.  The iterative procedure searches for  the 'optimal' trade-off between a 'correct' solution and an oscillating solution. For details of the method, see Hansen HC (SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 1993;14(6): 1487 – 1503). 

Vessel segmentation:

Vessel segmentation is a method to remove vessels from the perfusion maps. Vessel segmentation is based on cluster analysis of each pixels in the image where the cluster classes are set according to the temporal dynamics of the first-pass curves (for details of the method used, see Emblem  et al. Magn Reson Med 2009 May;61(5):1210-7) . Using this approach, arteries and veins are identified based on their unique temporal characteristics. Vessel segmentation is challenging in cases of elevated perfusion, i.e. in a malignant tumor since it is hard to differentiate the temporal characteristics of highly perfused tissue relative to that of  an artery. To aid in this differentiation, a pre-cluster mask can be defined which eliminate pixels either with high MTT or with high baseline signal intensity. Both these criterias can in some instances help differentiate between vascuclar tumor tissue and vessels. It should, however be noted that the vessel segmentation option should be used with caution, and there is no guarantee that the segmented pixels are a correct representation of vessels. 

Pre-cluster mask
This option can be used to exclude pixels from the vessel segmentation procedure based on certain characteristics thought to be specific for tumor tissue. This is meant to be an aid in avoiding tumor tissue to incorrectly be masked out as vessels.
Number of clusters: specifies the number of cluster classes used to determine the pre-cluster mask high and the number of clusters used in the main vessel segmentation analysis.

Additional output images:

Specification of additional output images which can be generated:

Brain Mask

Some  processing steps require a brain mask to be generated: perfusion normalization and contrast agent leakage correction (see below). The mean value of the brain mask is used for normalization whereas the dynamic first-pass response of the brain mask is used to correct for leakage. In both cases, the brain mask is generated from the first-pass characteristics of each pixel in each slice. Initially, all pixels which are above the set noise level are determined to represent brain. Then all 'leaky' pixels are excluded (base on negative tail). A more comprehensive search for brain pixels can optionally be performed:

Contrast agent leakage correction:

The underlying kinetic model used in the perfusion module assumes that the contrast agent is contained in the intravascular space for the duration of the dynamic acquisition. If the blood brain barrier is severely compromised due to pathology this assumption may no longer be valid. When <Apply apply contrast agent leakage correction> is checked in the main menu contrast agent leakage from the intravascular to extracellular space is corrected for using the method published by Weiskoff et al (1994). In short, this method assusmes that the contrast agent exhibits T2 or T2* effects ('negative contrast effect') in the intravascular compartement but that the contrast effect is mainly T1-shortening once the agent leaks into the extracellular space (due to reduced compartementalization). Therefore, in regions of contrast agent leakage the dynamic curve will go below zero after R2 conversion since the SI is increasing above the baseline level due to T1-enhancement. This artefactrual undershoot in the dynamic curve will leak to an under-estimatino of blood volume (and flow) in regions of lekage (see figures below). The figure below shows sample curves of a region wihout (green) and with (red) significant contrast agent leakage. When leakage correction is enabled an additional output image can be generated ('Leakage map'). This is a 'pseudo Ktrans' where the pixel intensity is proportional to the rate of contrast leakage from the intra- to the extravascuclar space. 

CA leakage

Example of  ROI with contrast agent leakage (red curve) compared to ROI with no leakage

Ktrans image
Uncorrected rBV map (left); corresponding leakage map (centre) and corrected rBV map (right).
Note the higher rBV values in the corrected image in the tumour rim corresponding to areas of high K2 value (large leakage).