

  • Main Menu : Modules ->DCE Analysis

The Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) analysis  module can be used to obtain qualitative as well as (semi-) quantitative maps of several parameters related to vascular permeability and intra- extravascular volumes based on the dynamic  effect of a contrast enhancing agent (CA). Analysis can be performed using a variety of different techniques. In particular, the following features are included:

  • Measurement of qualititative dynamic curve parameters, peak up-slope (wash-in), down-slope (wash-out), area under the curve (AUC), time to peak enhancement (TTP), peak enhancement (Emax)
  • Parametric two-compartment tracer kinetic modelling of the dynamic CA response (see e.g. Tofts and Kermode. (Magn Reson Med 1991;17:357–367) for estimation of kinetic parameters Ktrans, kep and  extravascular, extracellular space (EES) and plasma volume (Vp)  (in relative units).

  • Optional correction for measured arterial input function (AIF) (deconvolution) using SVD based arterial deconvolution. Provides AIF corrected estimations of  Ktrans, kep, EES and Vp.

  • Advanced analysis of concentration time curves including conversion for different pulse sequences and incorporation of  baseline T1-relaxation maps

  •  Manual or automatic detection of AIF.


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